Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Final Research Paper Overview

This is the visual pathway, from the source of input to the primary visual cortex.

This shows the "what" and "where" pathways that are associated with recognition.  This is an incredibly complex process that is not completely understood.  This includes being able to recognize objects from a variety of perspectives, object constancy, as well as being able to recognize faces and where certain objects are.  The "what" and "where" pathways also emphasize specific areas of the brain, depending upon whether the individual is focusing on a specific object (foveal vision) or something in peripheral areas.  There are a number of deficits involved with these pathways as well such as prosopagnosia (the inability to recognize faces).

I am utilizing Riders of the Purple Sage and Sea of Tranquility to show how the science behind these pathways can be exemplified through literature.  It is emphasized that Jane is metaphorically blind throughout the novel, and it could be argued that her blindness results from a failure in recognition.  While the man from Sea of Tranquility suffers from a loss of eyesight and in turn a failure of recognition when he is holding his son for the first time.  The literature provides an image of these scientific processes as well as the faults.