Sunday, March 30, 2014

CBI Emily Teach

The article I selected is from Forbes, titled " You Are Judged by Your Appearance", the first statistic introduced was a study proven that.... 

  1. Tall people get paid more money; " study by Timothy Judge at the University of Florida found that for every inch of height, a tall worker can expect to earn an extra $789 per year. That means two equally skilled coworkers would have a pay differential of nearly $5,000 per year, simply because of a 6-inch height differential, according to the study. "
  2. The next statistic was, Women who wear makeup make more: Not only do people judge beauty based on how much makeup a woman is  wearing, make-up adorned women also rank higher in competence and trustworthiness. A study in the American Economic Review said women who wear make-up can earn more than 30 percent more in pay than non makeup wearing workers.
  3. Fat people get paid less: Obese workers (those who have a Body Mass Index of more than 30) are paid less than normal-weight coworkers at a rate of $8,666 a year for obese women, and $4,772 a year for obese men, according to a George Washington University study that cited data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth in 2004. And other studies indicate obese women are even more likely to be discriminated against when it comes to pay, hiring and raises.
  4. Blondes get paid more: A 2010 study from the Queensland University of Technology studied 13,000 Caucasian women and found blondes earn greater than seven percent more than female employees with any other hair color. The study said the pay bump is equivalent to the boost an employee would generally see from one entire year of additional education.
These statistics prove that we are under the microscope everyday being judged by our every action. We are constantly being judged by everyone around us whether they're doing it on purpose or not, we just live and breathe in a judgmental society which obviously can sometimes affect us unfairly.

I related this article back to the folktale, " One Eyes, Two Eyes, Three Eyes," by how Two Eyes was always being singled out and mistreated by her mother and her two sisters because she looked "normal." In the tale, Two-Eyes is portrayed as a fairly helpless individual,who must draw upon the old lady’s magic to rid herself of her wicked sisters’ tyranny. She isn't strong enough of a person to stand up to them on her own so she must use the magic of the old woman to help her break free of them. …

I cannot help weeping,” she replied; “for because I have two eyes, like other people, my mother and sisters cannot bear me; they push me about from one corner to another and make we wear their old clothes, and give me nothing to eat but what is left, so that I am always hungry. To-day they gave me so little that I am nearly starved.”

This story Is the perfect example of how easily people can become bullied or pushed astray just because they do not look like everyone else( in this case she did however). In today’s society, if a person had anything other then two eyes they would more than likely be seen as “ugly” or "weird" as awful as that is. Even though throughout the entire story Two Eyes is mistreated,she forgives and forgets how horribly she has been treated, and welcomes her sisters with open arms when they come to her door begging. I found this to be surprising and unlike other tales I have read.  

In many of the tales that I have read, these are completely opposite of the "norm."  Typically, the one who is different is the one that is the outcast. The extremes, meaning the youngest and the oldest, are usually the ones that are targeted or featured in the tales.  Cruel treatment is usually a result of mixed families (step-children and -mothers).  And, something terrible happens to those who do the punishing, and we do not hear anything about them again.Of all these differences, the one that I keep returning to over and over again is that Two-Eyes takes in her sisters at the end of the story.  She completely forgives and forgets.  As the last sentence in my version states,
"Two-eyes however, made them welcome, and was kind to them, and took care of them, so that they both with all their hearts repented the evil that they had done their sister in youth."

This is what I like to think is the true happy ending!  Despite the poor choices made, the harm that was done, in the end, kindness and love is stronger than evil and will always win out in the end which I believe was the overall message in this tale. 

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