Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kamrie Gademske CBI

The article I selected comes from ELITE DAILY and is titled “The Actual Difference Between Women Who Are Hot And Who Are Beautiful.” The first two paragraphs of the article hooked me immediately and illuminated the perfect article for me to conduct my CBI.

Women. We’re curvy, skinny, hood, pretty, cute, ethnic, bad, dime pieces, unicorns, babes, pieces of tail, juicy, fine, sexy, foxes, sultry, voluptuous… The list goes on.
When was the last time you heard a man describe a woman with an adjective that isn’t dripping in sexual innuendos and defaming premises? When was the last time you heard a man describe a woman by something that compliments her soul and her inherent elegance? When was the last time you heard a man describe a woman as beautiful?”
This article talks about the loss of respect when it comes to women and how they are perceived in today’s society. The article specifically illuminates how men have been programmed to believe that any female with added features to enhance their appearance (plastic surgery, tanned skin etc… ) are automatically deemed as beautiful.  

I related this article back to the folktale Little Snow-White and how the prince talked about her as a possession rather than a girl he would feel honored to have in his life. In the tale, Little Snow-White is attacked several times by her evil step-mother as a result of jealousy due to Little Snow-White’s beauty. The step mother hopes that her attacks on Little Snow-White will end in her death. When the step mother prepares a poisoned apple and Little Snow-White takes a bite, she drops to the floor unconscious. She is then placed into a coffin to be laid to rest by the seven dwarfs who she was living with. It so happened that a kings son had come to the forest and saw Little Snow-White laying in the coffin when he said...

"Let me have the coffin, I will give you whatever you want for it." But the dwarfs answered, "We will not part with it for all the gold in the world." Then he said, "Let me have it as a gift, for I cannot live without seeing Snow-White. I will honour and prize her as my dearest possession."

This quote relates back to the article from the ELITE DAILY perfectly. The prince saw Little Snow-White’s beauty and wanted her as a “possession” immediately after laying eyes on her. The fact that the prince had never met Little Snow-White and automatically wants her simply based on her looks leads back to the aspect of men and the illusion they have created of women.

Throughout this course we are constantly focusing on the body and how certain characters are talked about through the texts we analyze. The reason I liked this article is because I was able to connect to it on a personal level. Being a young adult growing up in today’s society outlines that this is how men view females. It is sad that women are not looked at for who they are and what makes them unique individuals. They are viewed as “sexy or hot” if they possess dark tans, big chests and hair extensions to name a few. Its time for men to realize that women have more to offer than just a body.

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