Friday, April 4, 2014

Wolf Alice

This tale reminded me a lot of Kafka's Metamorphosis. When I started reading this tale, all I could think about was "Is this really happening? What is she?", and those were the same kinds of thoughts that I had when reading Metamorphosis. These tales are similar in their storyline. Wolf Alice acts as a wolf and has trouble behaving like a human should when she is taken in by humans, where in Metamorphosis, Gregor acts like a human at the beginning and has trouble acting like a bug until he gets used to it. Gregor does better with the changes that he goes through because he becomes his true self.

On page 119, this quote reminded me of Metamorphosis as well. "Her long nose is always a-quiver, sifting every scent it meets. With this useful tool, she lengthily investigates everything she glimpses. She can net so much more of the world than we can through the fine, hair, sensitive filters of her nostrils that her poor eyesight does not trouble her." This reflects back to Metamorphosis because Gregor uses his senses to help guide him around when he first transforms into a bug. His senses are much more sensitive than they were when he was a human. Just like Alice uses her nose to sniff out certain things, Gregor uses his nose to decide what kinds of new foods he likes as a bug as well as to help him move around.

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