Friday, February 21, 2014

Chapters 3 & 4

"There is no death daughter. People only die when we forget about them… If you can remember me I will be with you always" (43). This quote was very powerful. Almost too powerful in my eyes for a mother to say to her young daughter before she dies. One of the reasons I believe Eva to be such a strong young individual is because she is not shielded by anything. Adults tell her how it is without holding anything back. Some of the text in this book I find to be very harsh. For example, when madrina is talking to Eva about death, "Everyone dies, it's not so important" (44). In our society when a family member passes away especially someones mother it can be very detrimental to the family and loved ones of that member. It can take months to cope with such a situation. Eva had no time. It was brushed off like no big deal. The fact that it is pushed aside so easily in this story shows me that there is no time for sulking around. There are other things to worry about such as making a living for oneself throughout this novel.

Even though Eva is left without a mother, she is fortunate enough to have people watching over her like madrina and Elvira. In the text it talks about how madrina went without drinking or smoking so she could save every coin she had in order to take care of Eva by having her baptized. madrina believed in saving Eva from sin and she would do anything in her power to take care of Eva just like Consuelo had asked her too. Bringing Eva to church and having her complete certain sacraments was a way to keep Eva from becoming a pagan. Elvira brings a sort of joy into Eva's life. They are able to fool around when it is appropriate and it helps to lighten the situation they are in. She does her best to make sure Eva is being well nourished by feeding her meals to keep her healthy. I like how she calls Eva her "little bird." It reminded me of the Hunger Games movie when Katniss calls her sister "little duck." I think it makes Eva feel wanted and safe that someone older is looking after her.

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