Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kerry Brooks -- CBI 2/24

Red hair, being such a rare phenomenon, has a long and diverse cultural history. We know today that red hair developed alongside other light features to allow humans in low-light climates to absorb necessary vitamin D. However, ancient cultures invented many other theories to explain the presence of this unique trait. The ancient world saw it as a sign of dark magic, witchcraft, and temptation. Some believed it was a mark of vampirism. After the reign of the famously red-headed queen Elizabeth I, opinions on red hair began to change. From the Victorian era until now, it has been a symbol of free female sexuality. Eva Luna, the heroine of our current novel, and her mother Conseulo both have red hair. The history of red hair relates to the way it is used in the story. Some people see it as a mark of evil or the devil, while it also associated with the free-spirited strength of both Consuelo and Eva.

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